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  • Writer's pictureLuminary Starr

Child Abuse And No One Cares

First, let me say that this has already been sent to The Omaha FBI Violent Crimes Against Children Program, CPS (twice), our state senator, the Governor & Lt. Governor's offices, DHHS + their Civil Rights Investigation Office, and the NE Judicial Review Board. Because "there's no immediate threat to life," they don't care.


I have also reached out to more child abuse "support organizations," mental health, etc, and I have gotten nowhere, often one organization refers me to the same organization that referred me to them.


This drive contains essentially everything I have.


This folder is the dump 4 minors were kept: barbed wire, big rusted chunks of metal, trash. The judge and their lawyer are aware of this, but left my sons with these, and have ignored public records requests of their mandated reports of child abuse & neglect. The judge and lawyer refused to provide a lease, or equivalent, to prove the neglect didn't happen for a year. I provided our prior eviction notice, along with a receipt of our trailer being hauled out, proving we were there. They also refused to get copies of the CPS report, where the mom claimed they were there due to covid hardships--I provided the eviction from the prior place, from the property management, showing it was junker lifestyle that caused all of our evictions--and the mom's affidavit stating it was for business purposes, with no kids living here, directly in conflict with what she told CPS. Additionally, the CPS report contains the names and locations of witnesses, neighbors.



The conversation with a teen girl and her grandma: Yeah dad beat me I just didn't want to say to others...Don't call cps tho... (the grandmother): We are not doing that...the grandfather is a substitute teacher in WA, and thus a mandated reporter. Initial inquiries into the school system and law enforcement indicates no report was ever filed. After bringing it up in court in Dec 2022, they've changed the story to paint ball injuries.


From a lil boy, Andrey (about 10 at the time): Dad locked me out of the safe house one night in Libby in Libby (MT) was cold out and raining...I made a tipi shelter outside in the grass to lay in At 44 McKinley Ave in Libby, MT. He would not let me in and laughed at me...Dad knocks me down sometimes and steps on my back he yells a lot and kicks or hits walls a Ict or throws stuff at me or breaks things...Dad threw a pot at me and hit me in the face because when I was doing the dishes and missed one little spot on the pot edges...Dad would make Viktorya sit tied in to her highchair in her poopy diaper said you change your own diaper or sit in the poop awhile.


Tamzi (ex, and left my boys alone with her dad, repeatedly, a repeat child beater): Dad is not respectful with children and other words he needs someone to check on him every day...He has had people including myself lift things heavier than they can handle...(this may refer to the time Lester had Tamzi serve as a jack to hold up a car engine, and if she dropped it, it would have crushed her)...


Amaryah (Tamzi's mom): Lester also goes deeper and deeper into his own reality and I have recent documentation that he is mentally unstable. I'am tired of being abused by Lester and his mental imaginings, and trashing our home, property and fits of rage when someone or something upsets him. Dragging in junk and tired of his family trying to interfere in my children's education, religious beliefs, and my parenting and decisions and being abusive to all my children and me. (Yet, she and Tamzi have left 4 minors alone with this child beater, and covered to protect him and themselves from any meaningful investigations).


This was their place in WA, where their (at the time) 4 year old son died. Les claimed he fell from a parked truck. The detective and autopsy say it was vehicle impact that killed the boy. Today, they claim it was a "friend of the family's neglect," but given how they know of all the other abuse, and refuse to report it, I'm not inclined to believe them.


Now, it seems my only option is a 42 USC 1983 deprivation of rights suit, and to aim to void the entire thing, using info, in part, from the Void Judgments site, and similar...

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