Luminary Starr

1 min

Welcome to Amos Ministries

October 26, 2014

What is 7th Day? Have you ever wondered "...why does the Bible say that the 7th day is the day of worship, but that mostly, services are held on Sunday, the 1st day of the week?"

Growing up, I had wondered that, but never got an answer, and after a time, I gave up. I had never even heard of "7th Day Adventists." This helps us chose that the main day to fellowship on the 7th day of the week, not the 1st.

Additionally, since there are a lot more services that are done on Sundays, it can be hard to find others to fellowship with, on Saturday. Thus, with the power of the Internet, we're putting together this special opportunity for people to fellowship, anywhere in the world, God willing.

The "Free Will" part is that you do NOT need to make donations, tithes, or anything like that. You are free to make any donations that you can afford. We plan to hold many fundraisers and events, to not only help the community along, but to help our church, as well!
