Luminary Starr

1 min

Upcoming Father's Day

June 15, 2018

It's that time, again. I'll admit, for a long time, I never thought I would be a dad, or father a child. If anything, maybe in some later years I would adopt, possibly. Even now, all this time later, it's hard to believe, sometimes, that I'm married, let alone someone's pa. Pop just doesn't seem like something to associate myself with.

Just before our first anniversary, our boy was born. That, likewise, was it's own wild ride. In hindsight, there were a lot of better choices and things I should have done, but thought I knew what I was doing with one thing, and instead, had something else done, that turned out not to work how I had hoped.

It can make one question...everything, both regarding this world, and the next. Things can become more complicated then one would ever think possible. Instead of people coming together over some tragedies, people use it to push forward their own vendettas. This should not be how we, as God's kids, should act.

When life overwhelms us, as it's known to do, we should be able to come to our family, or our family through Jesus Christ, and have that support. There should be no two-faced actions or attitudes. No judgments or alleged explorations, hidden as judgments. We should meet each other with the love He commands of us, to help one another stand. That is as our Father wishes, and as Fathers to our own kids, we can do no less.
