Luminary Starr

1 min

The Real Russian Hacks of the DNC

Updated: Aug 10, 2019

August 9, 2016

Just for those who are keeping track of the DNC hacks, there's this article.

The committee is looking to clean house in the wake of leaked emails that appeared to show the committee favoring Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the primary.

Clinton was given wins with coin tosses and card games. Of course, she didn't win every coin toss, but for a decision to be based on it, anyway? This is utter nonsense! Now, the DNC is stacking the deck for her. Yet people will remain blind to the facts, and continue to support the DNC, and Clinton, too.

I don't really care for Sanders, but apparently, a good amount do. So much so, that the statists in the DNC are rolling him, so that Clinton, the establishment choice, will do what the special interests are wanting. As always, I encourage people to vote for independent and alternative party candidates, when possible, not only for big elections, but state and locals, as well.
