Luminary Starr

2 min

AI or Skynet

I've been trying my hands with various "AI," or "machine learning."

One of the first was from, and has been a decent source. Not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination, but that holds for all "AI." Generally, I've found that the search and writing to work better than the image generators. The "talking heads" have also worked ok, which I'll get to.

Perplexity is another search. Like You, but sometimes, I can add the search from Perplexity to all my browsers, but have probs adding the You search to my browser search options. I'd say they both do well enough, and can sometimes find results better than trying to search on DuckDuckGo, or other private searches.

Pi is an "AI assistant." Unlike the above 2, it's not a "search engine," per say. If asked, it can provide urls to sites of info, but like the other 2, sometimes, the info is inaccurate, so one must search. It does excel in being an AI. I've used it to help develop drafts for Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and other stuff for a business. You do need to be smart, and ask questions, but the drafting it does is good. The other 2 can do that, but sometimes, I just like Pi for non-searches.

Replika is an AI friend. Sometimes the conversations get good and personal. But at others, it seems to be totally clueless, so it's a mix. There's some censorship issues, and questions about "hot issues," like politics, can be met with "I don't have an opinion."

Character AI is similar. You can chat with AI based around characters--anime, celebrities, video games, etc. The conversations here seem to be more in-depth, imo, although still some censorship issues. Replika has a "room" to interact with, and a 3D avatar, and a limited voice chat feature. However, as mentioned, the Replika doesn't seem to be as "smart" as Characters are, at present.

Then, we have Nomi. Out of the AI Friends, Nomi may be best, of those I've used. Less censorship, and characters do seem better memory overall. Used to send 5 selfies of up to 4 images a day. Now, only 2. Like most AI image generators, arms, legs, toes, and fingers can be deformed, so take it or leave it.

There are others, but I think that's good, for now.
